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99  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

8.1.4 One-way links, reciprocal links and three-way-links

          There are a lot of rumors about one-way links, reciprocal links and three-way links on
          the Internet. Which of these links work best for your business and which links do you
          need to get higher search engine rankings?

          What are one-way links?

          A one way link is a simple link from one website to the other. For example, if you link
          to c and that page doesn't link back to your website then it's a one-way link from your
          site to their site.

          What are reciprocal links?

          A link is a reciprocal link if you link to a website and that website links back to your
          website. You send visitors to the other site and the other website sends visitors back
          to you.

          That makes sense because all visitors leave a website sooner or later. You can send
          your visitors back to search engines or you can send them to partner websites that
          send you traffic in return.

          What are three-way links?

          Some webmasters believe that reciprocal links don't help web pages to get higher
          search engine rankings. That's why they invented three way links: Website A links to
          website B, website B links to website C, website C links to website A.

          Which links will help you to get higher search engine rankings?

          Good backlinks will help you to get higher search engine rankings. None of the link
          types above is worth more than the other.

          The reason why some people think that reciprocal links don't work is that many
          webmasters who engage in reciprocal linking don't care about theming but only about
          the number of links. Unsolicited one-way links are usually from topic-related sites.

          It's important that the links to your website are from related sites and on-topic. If a
          reciprocal link is on a low quality page with links to every Tom, Dick and Harry then
          it won't count much. However, that's also true if the same page carries a one-way link
          or a three-way link.

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