Page 193 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 193

Link building 192

          7. Click the "Next" button to start the search. Depending on how many websites link
              to your website, it can take some time until IBP has retrieved all information. You
              can make the process faster by selecting a high number of concurrent connections:

          When IBP has collected all links, click the "Status" column header to sort the list by
          status. If you assigned the new status " backlink check of my own website" to the
          newly found websites (as explained in step 4 above) then all websites that link to your
          website will be listed one after the other in the website list in IBP's link manager.
          The list contains the following information:
          · URL: Shows the URL of the website that contains the link to your website. Click on

             the URL to open it in the preview browser.
          · Backlink anchor text (if available): This column shows the text that the other

             websites use to link to your website. The anchor texts should contain the keywords
             for which you want to get high rankings. If you find unwanted anchor texts, you
             might want to contact the other website and ask for a change of the anchor text.
          · Status: The status text allows you to sort the website list. If you followed the steps

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