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Additional IBP tools 232

          Step 4:
          This window allows you to choose which web page elements should be analyzed. In
          general, you should analyze all web page elements.

          · Document Title: this is the title of the web page (as specified with the HTML tags

          · Body Text: this is the visible text of the web page
          · Bold Body Text: this is the visible text of the web page between <b>...</b> tags
          · META Keywords: this is the text in the invisible META Keywords tag
          · META Description: this is the text in the META Description tag, which is not in the

             visible text
          · H1-H4 Headline Texts: this is the text between the headline tags, for example the

             <h1>...</h1> tags
          · All Link URLs, backlink URLs, Outbound Link URLs: these are the link URLs in

             the <a> tags
          · All anchor texts, Inbound anchor texts, Outbound anchor texts: these are the

             anchor texts between the <a>...</a> tags
          · IMG ALT Attributes: this is the text in the <img alt> attributes
          · HTML Comments: this is the text in the HTML comments <!-- ... -->
          · Web Page Parts Combined: this includes the document title, all meta tag contents,

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