Page 238 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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237  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

     to sales generated as the direct result of a PPC search engine marketing campaign.

     Maximum CPC Calculator:

     This calculator helps you to find out how much you can pay per click so that you still
     get a positive return. CPC is short for cost-per-click.

     CPC (cost per click) is used in advertising where the advertiser agrees to pay a set
     price each time the ad viewer clicks his advertisement. For example, if the CPC is
     $0.30 and the advertiser gets 10 clicks on a day, he'll pay $3.00 for it. CPC is used by
     pay per click search engines such as Overture, where you can bid for specific search
     terms and pay per click.

     Impressions Calculator:

     The Impressions Calculator helps you to find out if advertising on a website was
     worthwhile to you. The number of impressions is the number of times an ad is

     CPM, CTR and CPC converter:

     This calculator helps you to calculate the CPM (cost per thousand impressions), the
     CTR (click through rate) and the CPC (cost per click) of a campaign.

     CPM (cost per thousand impressions) is used in advertising where the advertiser
     agrees to pay a set price for 1000 banner impressions or page views. For example, if a
     website offers banner advertising for $12 CPM, and the advertisement is displayed
     5000 times, then the advertiser pays $60. The abbreviation for "cost per thousand" is
     CPM because the letter "M" stands for the Roman numeral for 1000.

     The click-through rate is an advertising term that determines the success of an
     advertisement. It usually describes the number of times a link is clicked on a web
     page compared to the number of times that page is displayed. For example, if a web
     page gets 2000 visitors and 250 people click on a banner, that banner has a
     click-through rate of 0.125 (250 / 2000).

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