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Version history 292

                 position, number of words, number of characters and ranking factors digest).

               · You can now specify the report contents in greater detail.

          · New: The Top 10 Optimization report now gives you a Top 10 Ranking
             Requirements Score (tm). The score tells you how many of your web page elements
             meet the requirements for a top 10 ranking on the selected search engine for the
             selected keyword.

          · New: The advice in the new Top 10 Optimizer report is now much easier to
             understand and to follow, and it includes charts, diagrams and re-written examples.

          · New: The advice is now much more accurate because it not only takes the search
             term into account (e.g. "website") but now it also analyzes the individual words
             ("web", "site") and the composite word ("website") as well.

          · New: The data for the Top 10 Optimization report is cached. This means that you
             can now keep editing your web page and run the Top 10 Optimization report for
             your changed web page only.

          · New: You can now quickly edit your local web page using a button that opens the
             Static Web Page Editor with your local page.

          · New: You can now schedule the Top 10 Optimization report and send it to you or
             your clients.

          · New: You can now specify if the Top 10 Optimizer uses the search engine user agent
             to access your web page.

          · Improved: The Top 10 Optimizer now warns you if there are PDF documents, Flash
             files, MP3 files or other such files in the top 10 URLs (that should not be analyzed).

          · Improved: The Top 10 Optimizer now warns if you try to optimize for the same
             keyword and the same search engine if there is a web page of the same domain in
             the top 10 rankings.

          · Improved: The Top 10 Optimizer now does not remove stop words from the search
             term because search engines do not do it either anymore.

          · Fixed: The report does not criticize duplicate meta content tags anymore.

          · Fixed: The HTML report could abruptly end in the HTML comments section if the
             user web page used certain HTML comments.

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