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295  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

             quickly enter a random description or web page title.

          · New: In the semi-automatic submission tool, you can now quickly clear the current
             form entry field by clicking the right mouse button and selecting the "Clear" menu

          · New: Your notes and ratings for the search engines are now shared between all
             projects. Previous notes and ratings of IBP 9 will be imported automatically.

          · Improved: When you go back to a web page with a submission form, the form
             entries will not be overwritten anymore.

          · Improved: The submission form field recognition has been improved.

          · Improved: Now the exact link page URL will be entered in the submission form if
             you added a reciprocal link to the search engine, directory or special interest site in
             the IBP's link manager Link Manager.

          · Fixed: The search engine did not show any submission form fields.

          · Fixed: The URL box could show image or Google AdSense URLs.

          Ranking Manager

          · The new Ranking Manager tool replaces the old Ranking Checker tool.

          · The Ranking Manager consists of three tools in one: it checks your current search
             engine rankings, it creates beautiful ranking reports with charts, and it contains a
             ranking database editor.

          · New: You can now pause and resume checking rankings.

          · New: You can now see today's rankings without creating a report.

          · New: You can now compare today's rankings with the first ranking date, the
             previous ranking date, or with the best ranking so far.

          · New: You can now check the rankings for multiple projects in parallel. The Human
             Emulation system now knows about other concurrent search engines.

          · New: Ranking reports now contain visibility statistics (listings in the first position,
             top 5 positions, top 10 positions, moved up, move down, did not change).

          · New: Ranking reports now contain a listings distribution chart.

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