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Version history 300

             restored automatically.

          · Fixed, Static Web Page Editor: HTML entities containing a number that is greater
             than 255 were not saved correctly.

          · Fixed, Marketing Tips: Some German chapters could not be displayed.

          IBP 9.7.1 (25 April 2007)

          · Fixed problems in IBP's link manager and in the Static Web Page Editor.

          IBP 9.7 (20 April 2007)

          · IBP & ARELIS is now fully compatible with Windows Vista.
          · New, Keyword Manager: In addition to the existing keyword sets, you can now

             easily combine your keywords with the following new sets: Occupations (English
             and German), cities (Netherlands, Italy and Spain) and states (Netherlands, Italy
             and Spain).

          · Improved, Keyword Manager: The buttons to insert supplementary keywords are
             now easier to use in the "Generate Keyword Combinations" window.

          · Improved, Keyword Manager: If you export a keyword list, IBP will now take your
             keyword list name as the default file name.

          · Improved, Ranking Checker: Some search engines return only two organic results
             in their search results (e.g. IBP will not access them endlessly

          · Improved, Top 10 Optimizer: If you use stop words in your search query, then you
             can directly edit them from the Top 10 Optimizer window.

          · Improved, manual submission tools: You can now set the submission flag or rate all
             search engines in a category at once.

          · Improved: The General Settings window has been slightly reorganized so that the
             options "Download images when accessing web pages" and "Disable Internet
             Explorer's navigation sound" can be found easier.

          · Improved: IBP & ARELIS can now handle malformed URLs such as "www.domain.

          · Fixed: IBP & ARELIS could have problems accessing URLs with anchors (e.g.

          · Fixed, IBP's link manager: If you changed the "found URL" in IBP's link manager,
             then the link page URL and back link URL were removed.

          · Fixed, IBP's link manager: The country domain extension filter did not work.
          · Fixed, IBP's link manager: If you used the keyword search, then the filter reasons

             were not displayed most of the times.

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