Page 303 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 303

Version history 302

          · Improved: The Top 10 Optimizer and the Search Engine Spider Simulator now
             recognize the <?xml> tag.

          · Improved: The Keyword Density Analyzer now recognizes the <strong> tag.
          · Fixed, IBP's link manager, Create Link Pages: If you selected the option "show links

             in random order", then the option "show links that link back first" did not work.

          · Fixed, IBP's link manager, Export: Exporting the found email address did not
             always work.

          · Fixed, Ranking Checker: The human emulation delay did not work correctly if you
             selected only one Internet connection at once.

          · Fixed, Ranking Checker: The option "Show only the top result" did not always

          · Fixed, Keyword Manager: Extracting keywords from Google AdWords did not work

          · Fixed, Keyword Manager: Sorting the KEI column did not always work correctly.
          · Fixed: The Search Engine Spider Simulator didn't show the last HTML tag ("</

             HTML>") in the report.
          · Added several speed improvements and fixed other minor bugs.

          IBP 9.5.1 (12 December 2006)

          · Fixed, Keyword Manager: Google has stopped Google SOAP Search API support.
             For this reason, we changed the Keyword Manager to not rely on the Google API.

          IBP 9.5 (1 December 2006)

          Keyword Manager

          The new Keyword Manager combines both the Keyword Generator and the Keyword
          Editor tools.

          · New: IBP now displays a variety of information for every keyword in your keyword
             list: the number of searches, the number of competitors for the keyword, the KEI
             (keyword effectiveness index), the top ranked URL and the PageRank for the top
             ranked URL.

          · New: IBP now supports the commercial Wordtracker service.
          · New: You can now manage multiple keyword lists.
          · New: You can now enter some competitor URLs and IBP finds out the keywords

             they use, sorted by frequency.
          · New: You can now generate new keywords by combining keyword lists. IBP offers

             two keyword lists with 100 common keyword supplements.
          · New: You can now use your keyword lists in the Pay Per Click Manager.
          · New: The Keyword Manager uses the Google Search API service. This lets you use

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