Page 307 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 307

Version history 306

             automatically checked if you submit a website form.
          · New, IBP's link manager: There is now a new column called "Link Check Date" that

             tells you the date of the last link check for every website.
          · New, IBP's link manager: If you edit the category list, you can now add the

             categories of another project.
          · Improved, IBP's link manager: The "Edit Site" panel and the "Send Email" panel

             have been re-organized to make them easier to use.
          · Improved, IBP's link manager: You can now change the "found URL" as displayed

             in the website list.
          · Improved, IBP's link manager: If you change the category, anchor text, link

             description or notes of a website, then the email message is updated
          · Improved, IBP's link manager: If you use the menu command "Copy/Move Selected
             Web Sites", then the IBP's link manager window of the destination project need not
             be closed anymore. This allows you to work comfortably with two IBP's link
             manager windows at the same time.
          · Improved, IBP's link manager: All projects now share the same column widths and
             column positions so you don't have to specify them for every project.
          · Improved, IBP's link manager: If you click the Search edit field, then the complete
             search text is now selected. Same with the URL edit field.
          · Improved, IBP's link manager: When you use the Search feature, then the first
             found website is selected so that you can immediately continue working.
          · Improved, IBP's link manager: You can now click the URLs in the column "Back
             Link URL" to open them in the preview browser.
          · Improved, Ranking Checker: Creating the report is now a little bit faster, especially
             for large reports.
          · Added several minor improvements to the handling of search engine cookies, and
             in the Add Project window, in the Enter Unlock Code window, in the Welcome
             window and in some IBP's link manager windows.
          · Fixed some minor bugs.

          Version 9.0 (14 June 2006)

          IBP's link manager and IBP are now integrated

          · IBP's link manager and IBP now share the same user interface. This makes it much
             easier to work with both toolsets on the same website.

          · The combination of both IBP's link manager and IBP means that it is the ultimate
             software tool suite to get higher search engine rankings for you.

          · Both IBP's link manager and IBP now share the same projects. This means that you
             can now manage your websites and your clients in one place. You save a lot of time
             and maintenance because you don't have to enter any website data twice.

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