Page 310 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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309 Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

              and for the competitor websites, the number of links from .edu domains and the
              number of links from .gov domains.
           · The Top 10 backlink Optimizer lists the web pages that link to your site and to your
              competitors' sites, along with the document title, link URL, anchor text and the
              number of keywords in the body text.
           · The Top 10 backlink Optimizer generates a list of the most used search terms when
              linking to your competitors' sites.
           · You can choose among more than 300 search engines from more than 40 countries,
              including all major ones.
           · You can combine up to 5 search engines when searching for back links to your site
              and to the sites of your competitors. This allows you to circumvent the protection of
              the search engines that do not list all back links to a site.
           · You can check if your site or the websites of your competitors are linked from two
              directories of your choice.

           IBP's link manager, general new features

           · New: You can now work on multiple projects at once. For example, you can now
              check the links for one project and add link partners to another projects at the same

           · New: All IBP's link manager windows now feature context-sensitive help. These are
              small help buttons that popup a small window that explains the current button, edit
              field or task.

           · New: IBP's link manager can now play sounds when a task has been finished, for
              example after having checked the website links. IBP's link manager comes with
              several default sounds.

           · Improved: You can now export more IBP's link manager information than ever, for
              example the links page file name, the links back anchor text, the PageRank value,
              the Traffic Rank value and the IP address of every link partner website.

           · Improved: When exporting, you can now specify in which formats dates and email
              addresses should be exported.

           · Improved: The plain text statistics report is now a full-fledged link management
              report that lists all link partner websites by PageRank, Alexa Traffic Rank, status
              and/or category. You can save the report as a web page, as a PDF document, as a
              MS Word document or in plain text.

           · Improved: Now you can easily take over settings from one project to another, for
              example contact information or report settings.

           · Improved: The help manual has been extended to explain link management and
              link popularity improvement in greater detail. It also tells you how IBP's link
              manager can help you to improve the link popularity and search engine rankings of
              your website.

           · Fixed: IBP's link manager now works flawlessly if you don't have administration
              rights on your computer.

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