Page 309 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 309

Version history 308

          · Changed: You can now export reports to the Microsoft Word format in the IBP
             Standard Edition. In addition, the Keyword Density Analyzer tool and the Search
             Engine Spider Simulator tool are not limited anymore in the IBP demo version.

          · Changed: The Top 10 Optimizer is now called the Top 10 Optimizer because there is
             now also the Top 10 backlink Optimizer.

          · Changed: When exporting search engine ranking results in the Search Engine
             Ranking Checker and a keyword was not tested before, a blank field is now
             exported instead of "-1".

          · Fixed: The Search Engine Ranking Checker report did not display all checked
             search engines in the overview chapter under certain circumstances.

          · Fixed: The Search Engine Ranking Checker could not finish the ranking check when
             the keywords contained tab characters.

          · Fixed: The Top 10 Optimizer could hang if the web page redirected to itself.
          · Fixed: The Top 10 Optimizer could calculate the keyword density of multi-word

             search terms incorrectly in some cases.
          · Fixed: The Top 10 Optimizer could calculate the number of words in the outbound

             anchor texts incorrectly if you used sub-domains.
          · Fixed: The Top 10 Optimizer could cancel the analysis if the web page was saved

             under Linux or Mac.
          · Fixed: The Top 10 Optimizer tried to analyze .pdf files.
          · Fixed: In the Keyword Editor, undoing changing the keywords did not work.
          · Fixed: If you changed the keyword in the Top 10 Optimizer, the top results were not

             downloaded automatically.
          · Fixed: If you created a new project and immediately scheduled a new task, IBP

             could crash.
          · Fixed: In the manual search engine submitter, directory submitter and special

             interest site submitter some search engine submissions did not work if the search
             engines used JavaScript.
          · Fixed: In the manual submission tools and in the PPC manager, notes that span
             multiple lines were not saved completely.
          · Fixed: In the Static Web Page Editor, return characters and spaces are not filtered
             anymore in <script> tags, <style> tags, HTML comment tags, PHP tags and ASP

          Top 10 backlink Optimizer

          · The new Top 10 backlink Optimizer tool helps you to get better search engine
             rankings by analyzing the backlinks of your competitors' websites and by giving you
             advice based on that analysis. It's a unique tool that lets you optimize your website
             by analyzing off-site ranking factors.

          · The Top 10 backlink Optimizer analyzes the keywords in the URLs of the back
             links, as well as the keywords in the document title, the anchor texts and the body

          · The Top 10 backlink Optimizer finds out the number of backlinks for your website

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