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Version history 310

          IBP's link manager, adding link partners

          · New: IBP's link manager can now automatically find directories and link pages to
             which you can submit your web page. This feature is an improved version of the
             Link Popularity Improver tool of IBP 8 because besides several new options, the
             found link pages are more relevant now.

          · New: IBP's link manager now deletes search engine cookies to prevent search
             engines from identifying your queries (optional).

          · New: You can now specify if the newly found websites should overwrite existing

          · New: When adding a single website, you can now specify if the website should be
             added to your link directory.

          · Improved: When finding links by keyword search, you can now enter multiple
             keywords and key phrases at once.

          · Improved: When finding links by competitor search, you can now enter multiple
             competitor URLs at once.

          · Improved: You can now filter adding new link partner websites by several new
             filtering methods, for example you can filter by URLs that contain or do not contain
             certain words.

          · Improved, IBP's link manager now emulates human behavior when accessing
             search engine web pages (like IBP).

          · Improved: All methods to add link partners are now integrated in one window
             combining both the "Find New Link Partners" window and the "Import Links"

          · Improved: All methods to add link partners now share the same filter settings and
             allow you to specify if existing websites should be overwritten.

          · Improved: When adding sites, their anchor text and link description are now
             "beautified", i.e. special characters or texts like "untitled document" are removed.
             This makes your link directory look better.

          · Improved: The "Import links from web page" feature is now able to import from
             multiple web pages at once.

          · Improved: When importing links from another project, you can now specify to
             import only websites with certain status texts or categories.

          · Improved: When searching for potential link partners, you can now easily see why
             some websites are filtered.

          · Improved: When importing Zeus directories, the original category link page URLs
             will now be kept.

          · Improved: When adding websites, you can now specify the default contact name for
             newly found link partners, for example the domain name without extension
             ("Axandra" for

          · Changed: IBP's link manager does not query whois servers anymore because almost
             all whois servers have added a query limit or do not show the email address in plain
             text anymore.

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