Page 306 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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305 Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

           · Fixed some minor bugs in the Static Web Page Editor, in the Top 10 Optimizer, in
             the Top 10 backlink Optimizer and in the Search Engine Spider Simulator.

           IBP 9.2 (1 August 2006)

           · New, IBP's link manager: IBP's link manager will now upload only the link pages
             and thumbnails that are new or that have been changed since the last upload
             (optional). This will save you a lot of time.

           · New, IBP's link manager: The "Create Link Pages" button in the IBP's link manager
             main window now automatically creates the link pages and uploads them. You
             don't have to press the "Next" button anymore. This allows you to quickly upload
             any changes.

           · New, Static Web Page Editor: You can now add the Meta Robots "noodp" tag. This
             forces Google and MSN not to use the descriptions from the ODP directory (www.
    for your web page in their search results.

           · New, General Settings window: You can now disable the "open link" sound of
             Internet Explorer with the new option "Disable Internet Explorer's navigation
             sound". This works only with Internet Explorer 7.0 or above.

           · Improved, IBP's link manager: You can now specify arbitrary thumbnail widths and

           · Improved, IBP's link manager: You can now check or uncheck the "Submitted"
             column for all or selected link partners using the "List > Edit Selected Web Sites"
             menu command.

           · Fixed, Backup&Restore: Files that didn't have the "Archive" flag set were not

           · Fixed, IBP's link manager: Exporting the last used email address did not always

           · Fixed, IBP's link manager: Importing a file that has been exported by IBP's link
             manager 9.1 did not work if it contained the "Submitted" column.

           · Fixed, IBP's link manager: Using an external web browser did not work.
           · Added additional minor improvements and fixed other minor problems.

           IBP 9.1 (18 July 2006)

           · New: The Custom Directory Submitter allows you to add your own list of search
             engines and directories to IBP. You can submit to these search engines and
             directories semi-automatically. You can also include them in the submission report

           · New: The Scheduler now allows you to specify the file name of the report or the
             export file using five variables (date, time, project name).

           · New, IBP's link manager: There is now a new column called "Submitted" that is

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