Page 305 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 305

Version history 304

             then it was not remembered after closing the window.
          · Fixed: The filter settings for "URLs must contain" and "URLs must not contain"

             were not saved.
          · Fixed: The status after sending an email message was not changed if the Status

             popup menu was selected while sending the email message.
          · Fixed several other minor bugs.


          · Improved: If you have many projects, IBP now starts faster.
          · Improved: Every project file is now about 25% smaller.
          · New, Settings > Keyword Filter: You can now enter stop words which should not be

             considered keywords when extracting words from web pages, for example common
             words such as "the" and "have". The filter list already comprehends more than
             2000 words in four languages (English, German, French, Spanish) and is used by
             the Keyword Manager, the Keyword Density Analyzer and the Top 10 Optimizer.
          · Improved: The Top 10 Optimizer now ignores stop words in the search query as
             search engines do it. This gives you more accurate analysis results. You can edit the
             list of stop words in the General Settings window (panel "Keyword Filter").
          · Improved, Top 10 Optimizer and Keyword Density Analyzer: There's now a button
             that lets you quickly open the "Keyword Density settings" panel of the General
             Settings window.
          · Improved, Search Engine Submitter (automatically): Submitting is now a little bit
          · Improved, Search Engine Submitter (automatically): While submitting your
             website, you can now see the remaining time.
          · Improved, Search Engine Submitter (automatically): While submitting your
             website, the progress percentage is now displayed in the window title so that you
             know the progress even when the ranking check window is minimized.
          · Improved, Edit Project: You can now copy the topic list to the clipboard.
          · Improved, Search Engine Spider Simulator: It will now show the HTTP response
             code even if your website cannot be accessed.
          · Improved, Search Engine Spider Simulator: It now supports links with the
             rel="nofollow" attribute when reporting which links search engines can see and
             which not.
          · Improved: The Keyword Density Analyzer now analyzes much faster.
          · Improved: The Static Web Page Editor now displays the current character set in the
             HTML editor.
          · Improved: The Static Web Page Editor has been updated to reflect the fact that
             Yahoo now supports the Meta Robots NOODP option as well.
          · New, PPC Manager: To simplify your PPC management, you can now paste
             keywords from any keyword lists that you created with the Keyword Manager.
          · Improved, PPC Manager: The interface has been streamlined. In addition, there is
             now more space for your notes.

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