Page 308 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 308

307  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

          · New: The new "Import Project Information" window allows you to import project
             data from IBP 4, IBP 8 and IBP's link manager 4. In addition, you can exchange
             project data from other IBP 9 projects and you can specify if existing websites
             should be overwritten.

          · Note: The installation of IBP 9 does not interfere with any installations of IBP 4,
             IBP 8 or IBP's link manager 4. However, you cannot use more than one IBP
             program at the same time.

          IBP improvements

          · New: The IBP main window now features four panels: General, IBP, IBP's link
             manager and News. The General panel comprehends all features that relate to both
             IBP and IBP's link manager. The News panel displays the headlines of our weekly
             Search Engine Ranking Facts newsletter.

          · New: The IBP panel in the main window now features a new group called "Find the
             right keywords".

          · Improved: The "Backup & Restore" feature now saves both your IBP and IBP's link
             manager data.

          · Improved: The manual search engine submitter, directory submitter and special
             interest site submitter now block popup windows if you use Windows XP service
             pack 2 or later.

          · Improved: The Feedback window now remembers your name, email address and
             Internet settings.

          · Improved: The "Keep IBP Up-To-Date" window now displays the version number
             and the edition name. In addition, it can tell you which features are limited in the
             edition you're using.

          · Improved: The Edit Project window can now display the categories and language
             names in German.

          · Improved: Many IBP and IBP's link manager texts have been translated to French
             (thanks to François d'Argence and Frank Fossaert), Dutch (thanks to Ed Bohnen)
             and Brasilian Portuguese (thanks to José Carlos Rodrigues).

          · Improved: The HTML editor in the Static Web Page Editor window now displays
             the current character position. This helps you when changing your web page
             according to the Top 10 Optimizer report.

          · Improved: The Static Web Page Editor now supports shortcuts to files and

          · Improved: The Search Engine Spider Simulator now supports the user agent of the
    search engine.

          · Improved: The "Import from another project" feature can now import the web page

          · Improved: The ROI Calculatur now offers a generic currency symbol.
          · Improved: In the IBP main window there is now a context menu for the groups at

             the right side that lets you collapse or expand all groups.
          · Improved: The About window is now round. :-)

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