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311  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

          IBP's link manager, link directories

          · New: You can now limit the number of links on every link page.
          · New: You can now display page numbers on your link pages. You can choose

             between 9 preset layouts but you are free to use any HTML code you want to
             customize the page number layout. In addition, you can specify how many page
             numbers are displayed in parallel.
          · New: You can now create link pages that don't look like link pages because you can
             now use individual HTML code in the anchor text and in the description for every
             link partner. In addition, this allows you to use the exact linking code from any link
          · New: You can now display thumbnails (miniature pictures of web pages) for every
             link partner on the link pages. You can specify the width and the height for the
          · New: You can now specify the file name of every category web page individually.
          · New: You can now specify the order of the category pages.
          · New: Every category page can now have its own web page title, Meta Description
             tag, Meta Keywords tag and its own description in the body text.
          · New: You can now upload the link pages directly within IBP's link manager with the
             New: built-in and fast FTP client. The FTP client supports passive mode, secure
             connections (SSL/TLS) and various proxy servers. Each website project can have its
             own FTP settings.
          · New: You can now edit link directory templates with the built-in, full-fledged
             HTML editor. The HTML editor offers undo/redo, find/replace, regular
             expressions, insert/overwrite modus and HTML syntax coloring. You can also
             preview your changes immediately. In addition, the description of all template
             commands are only a mouse click away.
          · New: There are 20 (twenty!) new link directory template commands that allow you
             to further customize your link pages. For example, you can display the PageRank or
             Alexa Traffic for every link partner, you can show the date when the link pages are
             created, you can show the date when a link partner website has been added and
             much more. Overall, there are now more than 60 template commands that allow
             you to customize the link pages to your liking.
          · New: There are now conditional template commands that allow you to specify
             HTML code that should only be executed if certain conditions are met ([A-If-Link-
             Back], [A-If-Link-Back-Picture], [A-If-Link-Picture], [A-If-Link-Thumbnail]).
          · New: You can now specify if the links of link partner websites that do not link back
             to your site are hyperlinked or not. In addition, you can link those link partner
             websites to a specific web page (on which you explain why they are not hyperlinked
             and what they can do to earn a link from your site).
          · Changed: You can now have real sub categories on your link pages. This means that
             a sub category is not shared anymore with all other categories. A sub category now
             belongs to a single parent category.
          · Improved: Creating link directory templates is now much easier. Instead of using

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