Page 291 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 291

Version history 290

          · Improved: The keyword list boxes in the "Generate Keyword Combinations"
             window now become wider if you increase the window size. In addition, you can
             now maximize the window.

          · Changed: The "Get Wordtracker Keywords" feature has been removed because the
             "Get suggestions from keyword search engines" tool now features the "Free
             Wordtracker" site which returns 100 keywords from the Wordtracker database
             instead of only 15. In addition, the Wordtracker API sometimes returned outdated
             data, whereas the "Free Wordtracker" site returns current data.

          · Fixed: The Export feature did not export the KEI column correctly if the KEI was
             not calculable.

          · Fixed: The number of searches column in the "Get suggestions from keyword
             search engines" tool now sorts numerically instead of alphabetically.

          Top 10 Optimizer

          · New: The new Top 10 Optimizer now includes both the Top 10 Web Page Optimizer
             and the Top 10 backlink Optimizer. It now creates a single report that tells you how
             to get a top 10 search engine ranking.

          · New: The new Top 10 Optimizer now analyzes 50% more search engine ranking
             factors that determine the order of the search results. It is the most comprehensive
             report available on the market!

          · The Top 10 Optimization report has been completely overhauled and extended:

               · In the Report Overview chapter, there are now miniature pictures of the
                 analyzed web pages.

               · In the Report Overview chapter, every analyzed web page is presented with its
                 title and description.

               · In the Report Overview chapter, you can now see how many ranking factors you
                 passed and how many you failed (includes table and chart).

               · There is now a table of contents. You can directly jump to the desired chapter by
                 clicking its name in the table of contents.

               · The Top 10 Optimization report now tells you the importance of each chapter/
                 ranking factor.

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