Page 318 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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317  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

             ISO-8859-3, etc., are supported when the operating system's language natively
             supports it.
          · Added many minor improvements, too numerous to mention, and fixed several
             minor bugs.

          New tool: Link Popularity Improver

          · The unique "Link Popularity Improver" automatically finds directories and link
             pages to which you can submit your web page. It improves the link popularity of
             your web pages so that it is much more likely that your web pages will improve their
             search engine rankings.

          · The found directories and link pages are relevant to your keywords.
          · The Link Popularity Improver fills out the submission forms of the "Add URL"

             pages of the directories and link pages as much as possible. Often, you only have to
             click the Submit button.
          · The Link Popularity Improver highlights important links of the found web pages,
             for example "Add URL" links.
          · You can create a fully customizable report for you or for your clients, as a web page,
             as a PDF document, in plain text, or as a MS Word document. Show your clients
             how hard you worked to improve the link popularity of their web pages.
          · You can export the URLs of all found directories and link pages.

          New tool: Static Web Page Editor

          · The Static Web Page Editor (WSOE) prepares your web pages to make them

          · The WSOE lets you edit the web page title, all important Meta tags, IMG ALT
             attributes and even the anchor texts.

          · The WSOE supports the Meta Googlebot and the Meta MSNbot tag.
          · The WSOE offers a fast, full-fledged text HTML editor with Search&Replace,

             syntax-highlighting, auto-indenting, line numbers, showing of invisible characters
             and undo/redo capabilities.
          · While editing the title, the Meta tags, the IMG ALT attributes or the anchor texts,
             you can see the changes in the keyword density of all your keywords in real-time.
          · All changes of the title, the Meta tags, the IMG ALT attributes and the anchor texts
             are instantly reflected in the HTML source code, and vice versa.
          · The WSOE offers basic file-editing operations, such as copying files, renaming files,
          · The WSOE alters the HTML source of your web pages as little as possible,
             preserving your HTML source code style.
          · You can quickly switch between different web pages of your website.
          · You can quickly compare a competitor web page with your web pages.
          · As a unique feature, the Static Web Page Editor allows you to add geographical
             Meta tags to your web pages making your pages ready for the Local Search feature
             of future search engines.

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