Page 322 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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321  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

          · Improved: You can now easily select the report date from a month calendar.
          · Fixed some problems.

          New features and improvements in the submission tools

          · New: The semi-automatic submission tools are now much easier to use. You don't
             have to follow any steps anymore. Everything you need is in one window now.

          · New: You can now customize the submission reports in greater detail. In addition
             to the report title, the report description, headers and footers, you can now set your
             own font name, font size, font styles, foreground color and the background color for
             the chapter headline, the section headline, the body header and the body text.

          · Improved: In the semi-automatic submission tools, you can now write personal
             notes for each search engine that go over multiple lines.

          · Fixed: When you submitted twice in the "Search Engine Submitter (automatically)"
             window without closing the window between the two submissions, then the
             submission list was not cleared before the second submission.

          · Fixed: When you duplicated a website project, the duplicated project remembered
             the submissions of the first project.

          · Fixed: The semi-automatic submission to was not possible.

          New features and improvements in the Keyword Generator

          · New: You can now specify the keyword list width with the mouse.
          · New: You can quickly access the Keyword Editor tool to edit the keyword list.
          · Improved: Often used commands are now available in a toolbar.

          New features and improvements in the Search Engine Spider Simulator

          · New: The Search Engine Spider Simulator report now displays the HTML source of
             the analyzed web page so that you can see which HTML source the search engine
             spiders see.

          · New: The Search Engine Spider Simulator now supports different user agents so
             that you can emulate any search engine spider.

          · New: The Search Engine Spider Simulator report now recognizes image map links.
          · New: You can now customize the Search Engine Spider Simulator reports in greater

             detail. In addition to the report title, the report description, headers and footers,
             you can now set your own font name, font size, font styles, foreground color and the
             background color for the chapter headline, the section headline, the body header
             and the body text.

          New features and improvements in the Keyword Density Analyzer

          · New: You can now customize the Keyword Density Analyzer reports in greater
             detail. In addition to the report title, the report description, headers and footers,
             you can now set your own font name, font size, font styles, foreground color and the

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