Page 321 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 321

Version history 320

          New features and improvements in the Top 10 Optimizer

          · New: You can now choose which web page elements should be analyzed by the Top
             10 Optimizer.

          · New: You can now select which sections should be included in the Top 10 Optimizer
             report. You can choose between the sections "Their Contents", "Your Contents",
             "Advice" and "Detailed Analysis". Optionally, you can choose to include only the
             improvement suggestions.

          · New: You can now choose the order of the web page elements in the Top 10
             Optimizer report.

          · New: You can now customize the Top 10 Optimizer reports in greater detail. In
             addition to the report title, the report description, headers and footers, you can now
             set your own fonts, font size, font styles, foreground color and the background color
             for the chapter headline, the section headline, the body header and the body text.

          · Improved: The tips in the Top 10 Optimizer report have been improved.
          · Improved: You can now choose the search engine source for the link popularity

             numbers in the Top 10 Optimizer report.
          · Improved: The HTML source viewer has been improved very much. It now

             supports line numbers and syntax coloring.
          · Improved: Since search engines need text to index your website, the Top 10

             Optimizer now warns you if the analyzed web page doesn't contain enough words.
          · Improved: If the Top 10 Optimizer discovers two <title> tags in your web page, it

             now tells you the text of the two title tags.
          · Fixed: If a web page redirected to the same web page URL, then the Top 10

             Optimizer did not finish.
          · Fixed: When creating a Top 10 Optimizer report, IBP could crash under certain


          New features and improvements in the Search Engine Ranking Checker

          · New: You can now customize the Search Engine Ranking Checker reports in greater
             detail. In addition to the report title, the report description, headers and footers,
             you can now set your own font name, font size, font styles, foreground color and the
             background color for the chapter headline, the section headline, the body header
             and the body text.

          · Improved: In previous IBP versions, if you had multiple listings for the same
             keyword on a search engine, IBP only displayed the best ranking in the report. Now
             it will display all listings.

          · Improved: IBP is now much more intelligent when deciding which search
             engine/keyword combination it should check next. It tries to relieve search engine
             servers as much as possible, and it optimizes the ranking process so that it takes as
             little time as possible.

          · Improved: You can now check for URLs with the https protocol in the Search
             Engine Ranking Checker.

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