Page 36 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 36

35 Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

5.3.4 How to create long tail keyword combinations
          A high number of the overall searches on search engines is for unique keywors that
          have a very low search volume. For example, not many people might search for
          "flower shop in southern knoxville" each month. However, if you are a flower shop in
          southern Knoxville then this single search might bring you a customer.
          These long and very targeted keywords are called long tail keywords. IBP helps you
          to create long tail keywords quickly and easily. You can use these keywords for your
          AdWords ads. Long tail keywords are usually less expensive than general keywords.
          1. Open the keyword editor
          Click the Switch To Editor & Optimizer button to open the keyword editor:

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