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39  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

5.3.6 What are ad groups and what is the ad group focus score?

          IBP's keyword manager groups your keyword lists in so-called ad groups. An ad
          group represents a keyword list that deals with a special topic.

          If your ad group keyword list contains very targeted keywords that are related to a
          narrow topic and if these keywords match the content of your ad and your landing
          page, then you will have to pay less for your Google AdWords ads. This will also lead
          to more sales and conversions. For that reason, you should only use very related
          keywords in a single ad group.

          As most people run multiple ads on Google AdWords, IBP supports multiple ad
          group keywords list. You should create a unique ad group keyword list for each ad
          that you're running.

          What is Google's Quality Score?

          Google AdWords uses the so-called Quality Score to rank your ads. Google's Quality
          Score is a dynamic variable assigned to each of your keywords. It's calculated using a
          variety of factors and measures how relevant your keyword is to your ad group and to
          a user's search query.

          The Quality Score influences your ads' position on Google and the Google Network. It
          also determines your keywords' minimum bids. The higher the Quality Score of your
          ads, the less you have to pay per click.

          The ad group focus score in IBP's keyword manager helps to get a high quality score.
          The ad group score tells you if the keywords in the ad group are targeted enough so
          that your ad can get a high quality score:

          The higher the ad group focus score in IBP's keyword manager, the more likely it is
          that your AdWords ads will get a high Quality Score and that you won't have to pay
          the maximum bid to get listed for your keywords.

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