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Find the best keywords                                                                                                                              40

   Tips for a high ad group score and a high Google Quality Score:

   · A single keyword list should focus on a single topic. The fewer keywords you
      use per ad group, the more targeted you can design your ads. To get good
      results, keep your ad groups tightly themed.

      For example, if you had an ad group "shoes" that contained keywords such as
      "brown shoes", "blue shoes" "green shoes", etc. then create new ad groups
      "brown shoes", "blue shoes" and "green shoes".

   · Do not use the same keyword in multiple ad groups. If you use the same
      keyword in multiple ad groups then you will compete with yourself.

   · The Google AdWords ad that is triggered by the keywords of the keyword list
      should contain the keyword that is the main topic of the keyword list, for
      example "brown shoes".

   · The landing page to which your AdWords ad links should also contain that
      keyword. If your ad and the landing page contain the keywords for which you
      advertise then your ads will get a high Quality Score.

How to edit the ad group keyword list

The toolbar in IBP's keyword manager allows you to manager your ad group
keywords lists with a few mouse clicks:

The small buttons next to the popup menu allow you to add new keyword lists, to
duplicate and rename existing keyword lists and to remove keyword lists.

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