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The Audit Process

You can’t initiate a program and expect that things are just going to happen.
There needs to be an Audit Process. Therefore, you need to develop a procedure
for monitoring the implementation plan. The audit process makes sure that the
directive and procedures are clear and are being followed. Responsible Managers
are designated to conduct the audit, on an ongoing basis. They will provide assis-
tance in getting people up to speed, and, if necessary, call people to task for not
supporting the program.

            Trap Don’t fall into the trap of letting people think that the
            Audit Process is a Big Brother Is Watching thing. Although a
            component of this program is to monitor the progress and
            support for the implementation of the PM process, it is much
            more than that. Emphasis should be put on mentoring. The
            objective is to make the new PM program successful, not to
            find fault with those who have trouble with it. When the audit
            team finds someone that is not supporting the new practices,

Figure 1.4a PM Implementation Plan

                                    2nd Quarter  3rd Quarter

 # Task Name                        0M 1M        2M 3M        4M 5M

 1 METHODS                          0w 1w 2w 3w 4w 5w 6w 7w 8w 9w 10w 11w 12w 13w 14w 15w 16w 17w 18w 19w 20w 21w 22w 23w 24w 25
 2 Sponsor’s Request
 3 Clarify Mission
 4 Clarify Organization
 5 Establish Methodology
 6 Prepare Procedures
 8 Perform Needs Analysis
 9 Prepare Spec
10 Evaluate Software
11 Select PM Software
12 Prep PMS Procedures & Models
13 Develop Integration Procedures
15 Perform Needs Analysis
16 Develop PM Training
17 Develop PMS Training
18 Develop Exec Overview
19 Develop Certification Program
21 Issue Directive
22 Develop Impl. Plan
23 Issue PM Procedures & Practices
24 Conduct Kick-off Program
26 Issue Directive
27 Develop Audit Procedure
28 Assign Audit Responsibility
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62