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first,	enabling	them	to	stay	one	step	ahead	of	the	customer	on	feature	fluency.

  “The	best-trained	salespeople	have	experienced	the	day-to-day	job	of	their
  potential	customers.”

In	the	early	interactions	with	skeptical	buyers,	our	salespeople	would	state,
“Listen.	Most	people	are	skeptical	when	they	hear	about	inbound	marketing	for
the	first	time.	I	was	skeptical	too.	I	just	joined	the	company	six	months	ago.	Like
you,	I	do	not	consider	myself	to	be	a	technical	person.	I	used	to	sell	insurance
before	coming	here.	I	knew	nothing	about	blogging,	SEO,	or	social	media.	But
this	stuff	works!	Look	at	this	blog	I	developed	in	training.	It	literally	took	me	a
few	days	of	effort.	Do	a	Google	search	for	‘best	Italian	food	in	Boston.’	That	is
my	website	right	there.	The	first	listing	in	Google!	Now	try	searching	for
‘cupcakes	in	Boston.’	There	I	am	again!	You	can	do	this.	I	can	help	you	do	this.”

Enable	Your	Salespeople	to	Build	Their	Personal
Brand	with	Potential	Customers	Using	Social

I'll	tell	you	about	one	other	tactic	I	used	to	manufacture	a	sales	team	that	our
buyers	loved.	Every	salesperson	has	the	opportunity	to	be	perceived	as	a	thought
leader	by	his	potential	buyers.	I	turned	my	guys	into	true	thought	leaders	of
digital	marketing.

Here	is	a	true	story.

The	VP	of	sales	from	a	Fortune	500	company	emails	me	one	day.	“Mark.	We
need	your	help	on	our	marketing	strategy.	I	would	like	to	go	to	lunch	with	you
and	our	VP	of	marketing.”

I	responded,	“Great.	Shall	I	meet	you	at	your	office	tomorrow	at	noon?”

“No.	We'll	come	to	you,”	he	replied.	“Pick	your	favorite	restaurant	near	your
office,	and	we	will	meet	you	there.”

So	I	did.

The	next	day,	the	VP	of	sales	and	VP	of	marketing	showed	up	to	the	lunch	with	a
deck	that	perfectly	framed	their	problem	and	proposed	solution.	They	had
analyzed	the	past	12	months	of	their	marketing	funnel.	They	showed	me	their
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