Page 68 - The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million -
P. 68

Metrics-Driven	Sales	Coaching

In	many	ways,	a	sales	manager's	title	should	be	“sales	coach.”	Maximizing	sales
managers'	time	spent	on	coaching	is	one	of	the	most	effective	levers	to	drive
sales	productivity.	In	scaling	HubSpot's	sales	organization,	I	was	constantly
challenged	to	find	new	ways	to	reinforce	a	culture	of	sales	coaching,	knowing	it
needed	to	be	central	to	our	process.	This	chapter	outlines	the	approach	I	used,	a
methodology	I	call	“metrics-driven	sales	coaching.”

  “Effective	sales	coaching	by	sales	managers	is	the	most	important	lever	to
  drive	sales	productivity.”

What	does	effective	coaching	look	like?	What	does	ineffective	coaching	look
like?	Let's	start	with	an	example.	For	context,	I've	been	trying	to	learn	the	game
of	golf	for	the	past	15	years,	and	I've	taken	many	coaching	lessons	along	the
way.	Some	of	these	lessons	have	been	better	than	others.

Here's	what	one	of	the	weaker	coaches	once	told	me:	“Mark,	take	a	swing.…
Okay.	Now	try	this	grip	and	lean	back	a	bit.	Put	more	weight	in	your	back	foot.
Think	one	o'clock,	not	two	o'clock,	on	your	backswing,	and	turn	your	wrists	over
sooner	as	you	strike	the	ball.”

Whoa,	partner!	You	lost	me.	Come	again?

Another	golf	pro,	who	was	far	more	helpful,	took	a	different	approach.	“Mark,
take	a	swing…Okay.	Now	try	this	grip.	Take	100	swings	like	that.”	Twenty
minutes	later	he	asked,	“How	does	that	feel?”

“Great,”	I	said.

“Okay,”	he	replied.	“Now	try	putting	more	weight	on	your	back	foot.	Take
another	100	swings	like	that.”	Twenty	minutes	later	he	asked,	“How	does	that

“Fantastic,”	I	said.

That	is	effective	sales	coaching.
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