Page 72 - The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million -
P. 72

“Use	metrics	to	diagnose	which	skill	development	area	will	have	the	biggest
  impact	on	a	salesperson's	performance.	Customize	the	coaching	plan	to	that
  skill	area.	Execute	‘metrics-driven	sales	coaching.’”

I	also	encouraged	the	HubSpot	sales	managers	to	use	the	initial	monthly
meetings	to	schedule	their	follow-up	coaching	sessions.

   “I	agree,	John.	It	seems	like	working	on	‘developing	a	sense	of	urgency’
   with	your	early-stage	opportunities	is	a	good	skill	to	work	on	this	month.	I
   like	your	idea	of	recording	two	discovery	calls	that	we	can	sit	down
   together	and	review.	It	looks	like	you	and	I	are	both	open	next	Tuesday	at
   10	a.m.	and	then	the	following	Thursday	at	4	p.m.	Let's	book	those	times
   right	now.	Please	have	a	recording	of	a	qualifying	call	prepared	for	each	of
   these	coaching	meetings.”

My	sales	managers	felt	good	about	this	time	management	strategy.	They	knew
they	were	prioritizing	time	to	coach	salespeople	on	their	biggest	needs,	rather
than	constantly	reacting	to	issues	as	they	arose.	They	were	concentrating	on	the
skills	that	would	have	the	greatest	impact	on	their	team's	performance.	What
could	possibly	be	a	higher	priority	than	that?

Examples	of	Metrics-Driven	Skill	Diagnosis	and
Coaching	Plans

You	may	be	wondering,	“Which	sales	metrics	are	best	to	track?”

The	answer	varies	from	company	to	company.	That	said,	as	you	evaluate	your
firm's	situation,	I	recommend	keeping	the	first	pass	relatively	simple	by	starting
with	the	high-level	metrics	that	are	already	being	tracked.

Take	a	look	at	the	simple	model	in	Figure	7.2.	This	chart	illustrates	a	basic
funnel	of	leads	created,	leads	worked,	demos	delivered,	and	customers	closed	in
the	prior	month.	Each	pattern	represents	a	different	salesperson	on	the	team.	This
simple	model	illustrates	where	mediocre	performers	are	deviating	from	top
performers	and	where	the	largest	conversion	leakage	occurs	for	each
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