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long	it	has	been	since	a	salesperson	directly	engaged	with	the	individual	who
    has	been	identified	as	responsible	for	signing	key	documents.	If	that	person
    turns	out	to	be	the	CEO	and	we	haven't	yet	spoken	to	her,	we	have	an	issue.
    Role-playing	around	specific	opportunities	works	well	to	overcome	this	skill
    deficiency.	I	find	that,on	a	case-by-case	basis,	the	best	salespeople	appreciate
    the	difference	between	why	the	end	user	wants	our	product	and	why	the
    related	decision	maker	wants	our	product.	Best-in-class	salespeople	will	alter
    the	way	they	communicate	value	to	each	party	so	that	everyone's	interests
    feel	addressed.

3.	 Digging	below	the	surface	pain:	Perhaps	the	salesperson	hasn't	yet	fully
    appreciated	the	prospect's	pain.	When	I	inquire	about	an	opportunity's	pain
    point	and	the	salesperson	says	he	needs	more	leads,	we	have	an	issue.
    Everybody	needs	more	leads.	Use	probing	questions	to	get	to	the	deeper,
    underlying	pain	points.	Why	do	they	need	more	leads?	How	many	leads	do
    they	generate	today?	How	many	do	they	need?	How	did	they	come	up	with
    that	goal?	Is	this	a	“must-hit”	goal	or	an	“ideal	world”	goal?

“Peeling	Back	the	Onion”

An	important	concept	related	to	metrics-driven	sales	coaching	is	what	I	call
“peeling	back	the	onion.”	As	we	review	each	salesperson's	high-level	funnel
metrics	and	begin	to	identify	the	areas	of	concern	for	each	salesperson,	the	first
question	I	ask	myself	is	“How	can	we	use	deeper	metrics	to	peel	back	the	onion
and	properly	diagnose	the	skill	deficiency?”

The	numbers	rarely	lie.

Figure	7.3	illustrates	an	example	of	“peeling	back	the	onion.”	Remember	the
salesperson	represented	by	the	upper	left	diagonal	pattern	who	worked	lots	of
leads	but	struggled	with	conversion	to	the	demo	stage?	Let's	peel	back	the	onion
on	this	leads-worked-to-demos-booked	ratio.	Let's	break	down	the	data	a	bit,	and
look	separately	at	the	leads-worked-to-connects	ratio	and	the	connects-to-demos-
booked	ratio.	This	deeper	view	will	help	us	to	properly	diagnose	her	skill
deficiency.	If	the	leads-worked-to-connects	ratio	is	low,	then	she	is	struggling	to
get	people	onto	the	phone.	We	need	to	dive	into	her	prospecting	frequency	and
personalization.	If	the	connects-to-demos-booked	ratio	is	low,	then	she	is
struggling	to	pique	the	prospect's	interest	on	the	connect	calls.	We	need	to	listen
to	those	calls	in	order	to	further	diagnose.
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