Page 74 - The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million -
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customers).	A	possible	coaching	plan	here	would	be	to	outline	daily	and
    weekly	activity	goals,	have	the	salesperson	block	time	in	his	calendar	for
    each	type	of	activity,	and	have	him	report	back	regularly	on	progress.

3.	 Personal	motivation:	Maybe	this	salesperson	is	just	not	bringing	his	“A”
    game	to	work	every	day.	Maybe	the	average	salesperson	puts	in	a	solid	50
    hours	per	week,	but	this	person	is	investing	only	30.	Again,	this	diagnosis
    would	be	illustrated	by	low	volume	throughout	the	entire	funnel.	A	good
    coaching	plan	here	is	to	have	a	personal	conversation	with	the	salesperson
    about	why	he	comes	to	work	every	day.	How	much	does	he	want	to	earn?
    What	would	he	do	with	the	money	if	he	achieved	his	goal?	By	when	does	he
    want	the	money?	Help	him	establish	the	connection	between	goal
    achievement	and	daily	activity	volume.	Finally,	set	up	a	plan	to	review	his
    progress	daily.

4.	 Call	reluctance:	Maybe	the	salesperson	has	a	fear	of	picking	up	the	phone.
    That's	a	really	tough	one	to	fix,	and	probably	indicates	a	failure	in	the
    recruiting	funnel.	It	may	require	a	fundamental	shift	in	personality—or	it
    may	mean	the	“salesperson”	is	in	the	wrong	profession.

Now	let's	look	at	the	salesperson	represented	by	the	upper	right	diagonal	pattern,
listed	as	the	top	most	person	on	the	charts.	She	worked	a	good	number	of	leads,
but	she	had	the	lowest	number	of	demos	and,	in	turn,	the	lowest	number	of
customers.	Here	are	some	possible	diagnoses	and	coaching	plans	for	this	type	of
team	member:

1.	 Prospecting	depth:	Maybe	this	salesperson	isn't	working	her	leads	deeply
    enough.	Perhaps	she	is	only	“touching”	the	leads	once	or	twice	before
    moving	on.	We	can	diagnose	further	by	reviewing	the	CRM	prospecting	logs
    for	the	leads	she	has	touched.	From	a	coaching	perspective,	she	probably
    needs	some	guidance	on	the	right	prospecting	cadence	and	how	to	leverage
    the	CRM	so	nothing	falls	through	the	cracks.

2.	 Lack	of	prospecting	personalization:	Perhaps	she's	calling	her	leads	deeply,
    but	she's	sending	the	same	email	and	leaving	the	same	voicemail	each	time.
    She	needs	to	personalize	each	of	those	emails	and	voicemails	to	each
    prospect's	context	and	build	on	her	overall	message	each	time.	We	can
    diagnose	further	by	reviewing	the	content	of	her	emails.	If	they	are	generic,
    then	she	must	do	more	to	add	personalized	context	to	each	touch	point.
    Salespeople	need	to	leverage	this	context	and	deliver	the	most	helpful
    information	at	the	most	helpful	time.
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