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Figure	7.1	Process	to	Hold	the	Sales	Organization	Accountable	to	a	Metrics-
Driven	Sales	Coaching	Culture

On	the	second	afternoon	of	every	month,	I	would	meet	with	each	of	my	directors
—each	of	whom	oversaw	a	team	of	roughly	50	salespeople—to	inspect	their
monthly	coaching	plans.

As	we'd	walk	through	their	plans	for	each	salesperson,	I'd	ask	them	three

1.	 What	skill	will	you	work	on	this	month	with	this	salesperson?

2.	 How	did	you	decide	on	that	skill?

3.	 What	is	the	customized	coaching	plan	you	will	use	to	develop	the	skill?

In	advance	of	these	meetings,	all	of	the	sales	directors	would	meet	with	their
managers	on	the	second	morning	of	each	month	to	inspect	their	coaching	plans.
The	directors	would	walk	through	the	plans	for	each	salesperson	and	ask	the
same	questions	I	was	going	to	ask	them	later	that	afternoon.	Because	of	this
meeting,	the	sales	managers	would	sit	down	on	the	first	afternoon	of	each	month
with	each	of	their	salespeople,	review	their	metrics,	and	work	together	to	create
a	personalized	coaching	plan	for	each	salesperson.	Because	of	these	meetings,
each	sales	manager	and	salesperson	would	review	their	performance	metrics	on
the	first	morning	of	every	month.	The	organization	was	accountable	to	a	monthly
cadence	of	sales	coaching	preparation.

Creating	the	Coaching	Plan	Together	with	the
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