Page 59 - The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million -
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Figure	5.3	Sample	Discovery	Call	Certification

Constant	Iteration	on	the	Sales	Process

With	a	well-defined	sales	methodology,	a	detailed	course	agenda,	and	a	strong
set	of	performance	exams	and	certifications	in	place,	I	was	well	on	my	way	to	a
scalable,	predictable	sales	training	formula.

The	other	advantage	of	having	this	structure	in	place	was	the	establishment	of	a
baseline	foundation	from	which	to	measure	and	iterate.	The	sales	training
formula	needs	to	be	constantly	evolving,	reacting	to	changes	in	the	business,	just
like	the	sales	hiring	formula.

Here	are	a	few	examples	of	tools	I	used	to	foster	iteration	on	the	sales	training
formula,	as	well	as	circumstances	that	justified	iteration.

1.	 Six-Month	Feedback	Forms:	Once	a	hire	was	on	the	job	for	six	months,	we
    asked	him	to	complete	a	review	of	the	sales	training	program.	I	liked	the
    timing	of	this	review	because,	by	this	stage,	a	salesperson	had	gained	some
    experience	on	the	floor	and	could	reflect	on	which	aspects	of	training	were
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