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P. 135

that everything necessary is being done right now to ensure survival and
       growth into the future. Charismatic leaders are constantly considering:

            n How can we use our current strengths, competencies and
                knowledge more effectively to strengthen our position in the most
                worthwhile markets today?

            n How can we use those same advantages to enter the most
                promising markets of the future?

            n What new competencies, strengths and capabilities do we need to
                acquire or build to better exploit the best opportunities in today’s

            n What new competencies, strengths, capabilities and knowledge do
                we need to build or acquire in order to dominate the best markets
                of the future?

            There is nothing to be gained from being future-focused if you fail to
       survive long enough to get there, just as there is no value in short-term
       success that robs you of your future. The charismatic leader and the prag-
       matic leader both go for balance as described above.

       Questions for discussion
       1. Do you really have a mission or do you have a mishmash of fancy

            words that mean nothing to those who need to use it as a tool to get
            from where you are to where you need to be?
       2. To what degree do your training and development operations offer a
            range of generic programmes rather than building the skills,
            competencies and capabilities that have been clearly identified as
            being necessary to achieve corporate goals?
       3. How successful are you as a corporation in attracting and retaining
            the very best people in your business sector?
       4. What would make them want to join you and what will make them
            want to stay?
       5. How do the very best people expect to be led?

       Choice 3
       Put the dilemma before the Board. Try to get consensus and go with what-
       ever decision the Board makes.

       Fine, that is what the Board is for, to agree actions and strategies, but
       remember that consensus takes time to reach because as long as there is a
       single board member who feels that he or she has lost the battle, but still
       believes that they are right you do not have genuine consensus. You might
       also like to bear in mind that if you have an expert in the group they may
       be “outvoted” and the decision may be more expensive than the mere cost
       of the time that has been used.

104 Key management questions
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