Page 136 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 136
Questions for discussion
1. Do we use consensus in the right circumstances (where we are unsure
where the expertise may lie) rather than as a “political” dogma?
2. Do we pursue consensus until no individual feels that they are on the
“losing side”?
3. How valuable is the time of members of the Board?
(Bob Townsend, instead of paying director’s fees for attendance at
board meetings, introduced charges for the time and resources used
and reduced the length of meetings without adversely affecting any
outcomes or receiving any resignations. Synectics Corporation
introduced strict time limits for discussion and not one piece of
“unfinished business” was ever raised at a subsequent meeting.)
Situation four
You are marketing director. Your advertising agency has developed a
plan that will take you head to head against a bigger competitor. If it is
successful the plan will deliver a massive increase in sales and revenues,
but given the much greater resources of the competitor it is a high-risk
Choice 1
Go for it! Business is about risk.
A major misconception about charisma is that it is dependent upon having
a swashbuckling approach to risk. Of course risks must be taken in busi-
ness, but only after the most careful assessment not merely of the level of
risk and value of the outcome, but of the alternative actions.
A marketing director should be familiar with PEST+ analysis. To
assess the level of risk they should look in sufficient detail at the political,
economic, social, technological and legal restraints of any market that they
plan to enter. Any risk should be analyzed in at least equal detail and I
would expect any professional to test with great diligence the degree to
which “creatives” are likely to have carried out reliable research.
To take worthwhile business from a bigger competitor needs detailed
assessment of:
n Who are the worthwhile customers who consistently deliver profits
that greatly outweigh the cost of serving them?
n What similar worthwhile customers (by name) does the competitor
n What do they want from a supplier?
n Of their wants, which are the most important to the customers
n Which will become the most important in the foreseeable future?
“Leadership is what leaders DO!” 105