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P. 141

of judgement. The leader who is able to build and sustain success is the
       leader who is consistently right in all rapidly changing situations.

            Before making a decision, ask yourself:
       Since I last thought about this what has changed about the people involved?

            n To what degree have they developed new skills and abilities?
            n To what degree have their attitudes, beliefs and expectations

            n To what degree have their personal, economic and team

                circumstances changed and to what degree are their personal
                feelings relevant to the situation?
            n Do I understand that “feelings” are part of the “facts” of any and
                all situations involving people?
            n How strong is their level of commitment, motivation and morale
                now compared with how it was?
            n What gives them their satisfaction today and how do their sources
                of satisfaction relate to the present situation?

       What has changed about the job to be done?

            n How has the advance of technology affected this operation?
            n How can we do things better and cheaper?

       How has the situation changed?

            n Is the decision more or less risky than it would have been earlier?
            n What is the general economic situation?
            n What is the situation in respect of our industry?
            n How exactly have things changed?
            n What is in our control and what lies beyond my power to act?
            n What are our competitors doing?
            n How can we do better?
            n What are our customers demanding?
            n How can we give them more than they demand at lower cost and

                with higher quality?

       Should I make this decision alone or seek consensus? (For detailed infor-
       mation on when to use consensus – and when not to – see Key Management

            n Is this a similar situation to those in which I have been successful
                before or do the changes make this a whole new ball game?

            n Where in the total team, myself included, does the real expertise

            n What specifically are the risks associated with this decision?

110 Key management questions
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