Page 153 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 153

When you want people to be creative ask them:

            n Why is this a problem to you personally?

            n In an ideal world how would you like the solution to look?

            n What would you do if this were a life or death situation?

            n If money, time and resources were no object, how would you

            n What limits your power to act?

            n What assumptions need challenging?

            n What metaphors spring to mind when you think about this

            n If the people involved were say, animals, what animals would they

                – Why those particular animals?

            n If you made up a story around this what would it be?

            n Who do you need to carry with you to make your preferred solution

                – How can I help to get the important people on board?

            n Have you tried to just stop thinking actively about this problem
                and let your unconscious mind deliver a solution when it is ready?

                – Have you thought about leaving it to your unconscious, but
                    asking for a solution by a certain day or time? (Research shows
                    that with the common “tip of the tongue” memory lapse if you
                    put the problem of remembering to one side, but specify a time
                    by which you want your brain to deliver, you will find that your
                    mind easily achieves the stated deadline. You remember on
                    schedule, quickly and without effort.)

            n Why not just relax and let go for an hour or two and see what

            n Did you know that when top people in creativity find themselves
                wrestling with a problem, like Edward de Bono, they just put the
                problem to one side and go for a stroll? De Bono goes to the
                toyshop in the mall. (The toyshop is a wonderful place to get great
                ideas about anything to do with engineering from new medical
                equipment to a major civil engineering project. Toyshops are not
                the only source of ideas. The bubble chamber that was used to
                follow and identify sub-atomic particles resulted from dreaming
                over a glass of Bud!)

            n Where do you think you might be inspired if you went there in a
                relaxed state of mind?

                – What is stopping you from going?

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