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P. 156


         Decisions, decisions

   questions of

A man may be ruined by drink, gambling, women or business. My father
chose the least interesting road to ruin. Attributed to Pope John XXIII

    n Questions that lead to speedy and effective decision-making.
    n In a world in which the business cycle spins ever-faster, fast and

        efficient thinking is the key difference between success and failure.
    n This chapter provides the questions to speed decision-making in

        the real world.

       What you will gain from this chapter

    The questions that enable you to apply the most proven and time- and money-
    saving techniques.

Factual questions that are worth asking

      How much have we saved or made through effective decision-
        making in this year?
        – What did we save or make last year?

      How do we measure the quality of our decision-making?
      Is our decision-making getting better?

        – What’s our evidence for improvements?

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