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         Knowing the numbers

   questions of finance
   and performance

Profit is not a proper objective of a business. It is an essential prerequisite
for being in business. Peter Drucker
Few have heard of Fra Luca Pacioli, the inventor of double-entry
bookkeeping; but he has probably had more influence on human life than
has Dante or Michelangelo. Herbert Muller

    n Questions that enable the non-specialist to easily understand the
        world of finance.

    n Questions that build revenues and profits.
    n Questions that ensure that financial resources are applied

        effectively and frugally.
    n Questions that ensure that when you need to spend you spend to

        best effect.

       What you will gain from this chapter

    n Why bean counters actually deliver a vital service to business.
    n How to bluff your way in finance.
    n How every manager can increase his or her understanding of the key ratios.

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