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P. 178

I markets and how you can win more profitable business from them
  I because if you become too “future-minded” you are in danger of
  I having no future to enjoy. Part of our consultancy work is to win
  I those profitable sales today for our clients to fund their future.
  I Our approach is to get in and out quickly. Do the job and leave the
  I client with the tools to do it again and again. Only when today is
  I secure can we turn our minds to tomorrow.

Some performance indicators

    n Are our customers consistently expressing delight?
    n Are we winning the customers that we are targeting?
    n Are our sales rising as forecast?
    n Are we coping with the logistics?
    n Are we maintaining our margins?
    n Are we within budget?
    n Are our salespeople bringing in worthwhile customers rather than

        just going for numbers?
    n Is our credit control remaining effective?
    n Are our competition showing signs of feeling the pain?
    n Are our people committed to achieving more at lower cost?
    n Have we avoided the trap of delivering more than the market

    n When we last advertised what was the cost of each enquiry?

        – What was the advertising cost of each sale?

Sales reporting

Salespeople hate writing reports, but you must know:
    n On whom are they calling?
    n Why are they calling?
    n What is the result of the call?
    n What do the customers want?
    n What are they likely to want in the future?
    n What action is required after the call?

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