Page 175 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
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n How can we get closer to our most worthwhile customers?
            n How can we enrol all our stakeholders (employees, customers,

                suppliers, distributors and the community) into our marketing
            n Can we specify where we are better at delivering customer
                satisfaction than each individual competitor in order to approach
                their best customers with an offer that is tailored to their
                unsatisfied needs. (Use the simple Comparative/Competitive
                Analysis in Key Management Solutions and you will be.)
            n Are we planning for growth?
                – Should we be?
            n Do we propose to develop new products and services, penetrate
                new markets, win their best customers from competition or
            n Are we ready to change our culture if we need to?
            n Have we carefully analyzed the costs of growth – extended
                resources, possible loss of focus, potential need to do things
                differently, possible slow return?

      The market dominance plan

            n Have we completed a clear, comprehensive review of our strengths?
            n Have we analyzed customer desires and expectations and identified

                the best fit between these and our strengths and competencies?
            n Have we considered emerging customer needs and expectations

                and worked out how we will use our present strengths to address
            n Have we established what strengths we need to build or acquire to
                dominate our chosen markets?
            n Have we established meaningful targets and objectives?
            n Do these include key financial objectives as well as marketing
                objectives? (Turnover, profitability: units of sale, market share.)
            n Do we have a realistic product plan? (Existing, improvements,
                development, invention.)
            n Do we have a comprehensive market plan? (Markets – current,
                extended, new.)
            n Do we have a strategic approach to pricing?
            n Do we use pricing to attract those customers that we want rather
                than use either “cost plus”, “finger in the wind” or “what are
                competition doing?” as the basis of pricing policy?

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