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P. 170

         You can buck the

   questions of markets
   and marketeers

The only valid purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer.
Charles Revlon
Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Andy Warhol

    n Key questions that will enable you to exploit market opportunities
        at home and abroad.

    n Essential questions for when there is a downturn.
    n Questions that enable you to identify growth and exploit

    n Questions that ensure that your market-spend gets results.
    n Questions that help you decide when to stop spending and start

    n Questions that enable you to turn the competition into “also rans”.

       What you will gain from this chapter

    n A market strategy that will enable you to set the rules by which others have to

    n How to work towards a position of market dominance.
    n How to prosper in the key markets of the future.
    n How to exploit the most valuable market opportunities of the present.

                                                                                              You can buck the market! 139
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