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P. 174
“Marketing Unit Manager”. It was not the most popular suggestion that I
ever made, but it was among the most meaningful. Marketing has three
key elements. It is integrated – everybody has a part to play. It is customer
focused – it uses all the resources of the business to identify, create and sat-
isfy customer desires, and it is profitable – marketing should always deliver
more than customers, it should deliver profit in everything that it does
otherwise it becomes a fancy cost centre.
n Does every employee recognize that they have a personal
marketing responsibility?
– Do they all proactively seek ways to fulfil that function?
– How can we best clarify the essential contribution that
everybody can make to building market intelligence, identifying
and attracting customers and delighting the customer?
– Having involved everybody in the business of getting customers
to beat a path to our door, how can we involve them in
delivering superior service at lower cost?
– How should the top team make themselves role models for
involvement in proactive marketing?
n How can we ensure that our marketing department identify and
use low cost/no cost marketing tactics where these are more
effective than expensive advertising?
n How do we keep abreast of customer needs and wants?
n How do we create the need for what we can produce?
n Does our marketing strategy play a key role in keeping profit at
the forefront of all our people’s thinking?
The marketing strategy
n Do we have the right products at the right price in the right place?
– Have we got the right people to provide them?
– If we haven’t, how can we make our products and prices
desirable to customers in the short term?
n Do we understand all who might need, or better, want our products
and services?
n Are we exploiting all our strengths, capabilities and competencies
against known market desires?
– How do we turn our strengths into market offerings quickly
and at lowest possible cost?
– How can we promote our strengths more effectively?
You can buck the market! 143