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posed toward the offering people, if they read the advertisement at all, read
it with the attitude “they would say that, wouldn’t they?” Only those who
are predisposed to take a positive view swallow advertising puff wholesale.
A business needs to communicate. It needs to tell all those people who
might buy the goods or services that it offers, what they are and what they
will do for the customer. Sometimes the way to do this is through adver-
tising and sometimes not. Let us lay down some ground rules.
Only use paid advertising when there is clearly no better
Press releases, direct mail, word of mouth, seminars, conference presenta-
tions, point of sale promotions, articles in trade journals, letters to the
editor or networking may be better and will certainly be cheaper.
If you must advertise make sure that a high percentage of
those who will see your message are interested in what you
Avoid being seduced by the agency view of reach. “Reach” has to mean that
you place your advertisement only where it will be seen by a large number
of potential customers rather than getting the idle attention of uninter-
ested passers by. Media are comprehensively listed in BRAD (SRDS in the
USA) and Willings Press Guide. If you have designed the proverbial better
mousetrap these publications will guide you to The Mouse Haters Gazette
– if there is such a recondite publication.
Design advertisements that lead the customer to take action
Haemorrhoids are undoubtedly unpleasant, but given the unenviable
choice between haemorrhoids or a tombstone, I think that I might learn to
live with haemorrhoids.
The key steps toward successful sensible budget
Choose your medium with care
Having identified the probable media from Willings, BRAD or SRDS, con-
tact them and ask for a “media pack”. This will answer important ques-
tions for you:
n What is the demographic breakdown of the readership or
n How many readers buy the magazine or service?
You can buck the market! 153