Page 187 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 187

The following is a tool that my colleagues have found to be of great
       value in identifying whether clients are ready for the development of a
       market dominance strategy. In simple terms the client is ready if, and only
       if, there is a robust tactical and strategic plan in place to provide a secure
       platform for building dominance. I keep saying it, but it is vital: to have a
       worthwhile strategy you need to be as certain as you can be in a volatile
       business environment that you can go beyond survival. You need to have a
       tactical plan that will deliver all the resources, financial and more that you
       need when you need them.

     The Lambert Dominance Marketing Strategy

      Does the client fully understand the market?

       Before completing a full audit, we will look at a few simple questions and
       identify how much help, if any, the client needs on the basis of the answers
       provided. It is essential that the client is asked carefully thought out sup-
       plementary questions to help to widen and deepen the understanding of
       marketing in general and dominance strategies in particular. The exam-
       ples given are no more than guides. The actual questions used should arise
       as naturally as possible from the conversation. All answers should be fully

            The key to this instrument is to help the client to think more deeply about
       marketing. It is essential therefore that the consultant maintains a profes-
       sional degree of detachment and avoids challenging the client thinking at
       this stage. The client should not be put under pressure. The subsequent
       verbal and written reports will provide every opportunity to “educate” the
       client should this prove necessary. Try not to let the client become distracted
       by your notes. Keep them as brief as possible and always ask permission to
       make notes before starting to write.

            n Does the firm really understand the marketing concept? (Example
                of a supplementary: How is marketing defined in this company? If
                you say the word “marketing” to your colleagues what is it that they
                think about? Advertising? Selling? Something more complex?)

            n Do all your people understand that every employee should be
                actively seeking to make a contribution to the marketing effort?
                (Examples of supplementary questions: Have they been given
                guidance or training on what contribution they can make? Does any
                contribution by an employee stick in your mind as having been
                particularly useful?)

            n Do they know that marketing requires them to seek to create as
                well as identify and satisfy customer need? (Example of a
                supplementary: How are developing customer desires and
                expectations fed back into the marketing strategy? Does an

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