Page 191 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 191

n Is the trend for repeat orders to be smaller, larger or is this

            n When did the company last conduct a professional market research
                programme? (Supplementary: How do you feel about the results?
                Were they reliable? What have you done as a result of the research?
                What has been the effect?)

            n How do you market test new ideas? (Supplementary: Do you
                market test your marketing ideas before plunging into major
                investment? How do you do that?)

            n How do you keep a calculating eye on emerging trends?
                (Supplementary: Have you read the Popcorn report? What do you
                think of it? Do you use the web for research into trends?)

            n Were all your marketing objectives clearly measurable, realistic,
                specific and worthwhile in terms of their contribution to the
                strategic goals and return on investment? (Supplementary: If you
                were to produce the plan again today, what would you do

            n How well was the market plan marketed internally?
                (Supplementary: How was it communicated to every employee? Did
                it achieve wholehearted senior management support from all

            n How is marketing expenditure allocated? (Supplementary: By
                market segment? By product line? As a single overall budget? On
                an ad hoc, as required, basis?)

            n Can a Boston matrix (cash cows etc.) of current products and
                services be readily produced?

            n Where specifically are sales revenues falling? (Supplementary: Do
                you have a clear understanding of why?)

            n Is each part of the plan that fails to meet its objectives carefully
                scrutinized to establish how it might be done better next time?
                (Supplementary: Who does the evaluation? How reliable is it?)

            n Is a comprehensive marketing audit carried out annually with
                specific recommendations for improving next year’s performance?

            n What business are you really in? (Supplementary: What customer
                needs or wants do you exist to satisfy? What is the big picture of this
                business in your mind? What business could you be in?)

            n How do you feel about being prepared to abandon what has been
                successful for a long time if the market changes? (Supplementary:
                Are you planning to target the most exciting markets of the future?
                What will they be in your opinion? What will give you a competitive
                edge in new markets?)

160 Key management questions
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