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Mouse Annihilation says ‘in tests nine out of ten mouzes
        preverred zis method of execution’.”
    n Tell the customer precisely how to get the benefit of your product
        or service while they remain excited by it. “Ring toll free 800
        Mouse today while limited stocks last.”
    n You may wish to provide an incentive to call immediately. People
        are greedy, selfish and short of time. (Much more about this later
        when I discuss direct sales.) “The first one hundred
        purchasers will receive, completely free of charge, the
        Acme patented mouse interment shovel.”

Remember that any advertisement must generate at least
enough additional profit to pay for itself and for the next

If that is all it does, it is a failure. If it produces less it is an abject failure
that has helped to destroy companies. In today’s volatile markets the
penalty for a wrong decision may be swift and terrible.

How do consultants help with market

As a consultant and manager of consulting firms on both sides of the
Atlantic it has often been my pleasure to help corporations to develop their
dominance marketing strategy. Over the years I have developed a set of
questions that enable us to see very clearly where we are starting from and
where we might give help without re-inventing any wheels. You might find
it both useful and interesting to play the role of consultant in your own
company and ask the questions that we might ask. Your great advantage
in having detailed knowledge of your company operations may well lead
you to even more useful supplementary questions and deeper and more
detailed answers.


  I Low cost/no cost marketing techniques have the considerable
  I advantage that, unlike advertising they are most readily believed,
  I that is why they have been consistently used by consultants and
  I other professionals, to whom credibility is important, for more
  I than twenty years. All businesspeople should be looking to develop
  I a judicious blend of no cost marketing allied to effective paid
  I promotion. (For some proven no cost ideas the interested reader
  I may wish to glance at my High Income Consulting.)

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