Page 190 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 190

n How do you decide on appropriate distribution channels?
    (Supplementary: Do you have any intellectual property that could be
    effectively distributed online? Do you understand the tax
    implications of online distribution?)

n How effective are trade or retail sales promotions for you?

n Are you convinced that sales promotions led to a real growth in
    sales and that the company did not pre-buy future business?

n Do you have a consistent company public relations activity?
    (Supplementary: Do you do it yourself or use an agency?)

n How timely and effective is the marketing feedback, evaluation
    and review process in your opinion? (Supplementary: Do you have
    any examples of how a change in direction led to increased
    revenues, profits or customer retention?)

n How effective are your sales people? (Supplementary: In an ideal
    world where you could really pick and choose how many of them
    would you keep?)

n Are individual closing rates of sales people known to their
    management? (Supplementary: How is the information used?)

n What is being done to raise the performance of the less successful?
    (Supplementary: What kind of training? In house or external? Who
    does it? How do you measure the effect?)

n What is being done to get the more successful in front of more
    customers or prospects?

n What evidence is there that the return on the marketing
    investment is adequate? (Supplementary: As a rough percentage
    figure how does marketing spend stack up against revenues? If you
    put a complete bar on marketing spending today what would you
    lose in terms of revenues and profits?)

n What is the level of customer retention year on year?
    (Supplementary: Have you seen the research on the effect of loyal
    customers on a business? Do you find it convincing? What is the
    lifetime value of your average customer?)

n Are the customers who are retained those the company wishes to

n What percentage of your total customer base is new and profitable?
    (Supplementary: What specific steps are in your marketing plan to
    ensure that you retain the best customers?)

n Is the size of initial orders static, growing or falling?
    (Supplementary: What are you doing to increase the value of initial

n Is order frequency growing, static or falling? (Supplementary: How
    do your sales and marketing efforts work to increase order
    frequency and size?)

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