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P. 194

         Making the right

   questions of profitable

“Is this a game of chance?” Not the way I play it. W.C. Fields

    n Questions that will ensure that you can make money online.
    n Questions that will turn your website into a money machine.
    n Questions that will enable you to time your entry to new markets

        to perfection.
    n Questions that obviate risk.
    n Questions that multiply profit opportunities.
    n Questions that turn mere technology into revenues and profits.

       What you will gain from this chapter

    n A working document that will lead you to turning your e-commerce activity
        into a money machine. You need to understand that e-commerce is not a fad
        that has come and gone. It is a totally new way of doing business that, not
        surprisingly, has had its casualties as new ideas have been tried and some have
        been found wanting.

    n How to get ahead of the competition.
    n How to make full use of business building, cost saving opportunities.
    n How to win the best of tomorrow’s markets today.

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