Page 198 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 198
Cost reductions 01234
New advertising channel 01234
Attracting new customers 01234
Improved buying terms 01234
Recruitment and retention of staff 01234
Shorten supply chain (reduce intermediaries) 01234
Personalized customer service 01234
Reduced time-to-market 01234
24ǂ7 availability to customers 01234
Global business platform 01234
Identify new suppliers 01234
Enhanced responsiveness to market 01234
Online distribution 01234
Faster decision-making 01234
Low cost entry into new markets 01234
What are the key performance indicators of your e-business? Please tick
the appropriate items. What are the sign posts which will tell you that it is
working for you? What are the warning signs that should scream at you:
“do something different and do it now”?
Increased sales revenues in existing markets
Increased share of revenues from new markets
Increased profitability
Enhanced return on capital employed
Investment funds attracted
Enhanced market value of company
Competencies developed
Information flow
Cost per transaction
Information distribution cost
Increased stock turnover
Customer retention
Customer satisfaction
Market share
Share of customer
Overall cost reduction
Making the right connections 167