Page 203 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 203

n Why will they publish your stuff?
            n What are your growth limitations?
            n What about order processing and fulfilment, e-mail capacity, credit

                card processing and security, distribution and delivery, customer
                service and customer delight? What concrete steps have you put in
                place today to ensure your optimal future growth potential?

      If you already have a website

            n Who, outside the company has checked your website for speed of
                loading and ease of use?

            n Do the headlines on each page sell to the customer as well as to the
                search engines?

            n What are the specific benefits that you use?
            n Are all contact details on each page?
            n Do you give all potential customers clear and compelling reasons to

                give you their e-mail addresses for further information?
            n If I visited your page for xxxxx what specifically would make me

                want to permit you to keep in touch?
            n How do you measure website traffic?
            n How do you measure the sales per visitor?
            n What keywords do people use to get to your site?
            n What other sites, or newsrooms do they come from?
            n How often do you check the search engines to ensure that you are

                in the top ten?
            n How do you make the required changes when you find that you are

            n How many times each day do your people check e-mails?
            n How often do you check your auto responder messages to

                customers to be certain that they are still relevant?
            n When was the product or service information that you are

                currently sending out last updated?
            n Where do you display customer testimonials?

      Down and dirty online marketing

            n How do you capture all customers, prospects, suppliers,
                distributors, affiliates, prospective affiliate promoters and joint
                venture partners’ e-mail addresses?

172 Key management questions
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