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4. Constantly look at what works for others, adapt and adopt the best
    that your creativity and budget can manage.

5. Build customer loyalty and you will build employee loyalty without

6. Deliver more than you promise.
7. Remember customers online are short on time and attention, not

8. Make it easy for people to buy online.
9. Avoid pop up advertising and “get off my site” banners that distract

    customers from their purpose.
10.Be consistent: market consistently when you’re fat, dumb and happy.

    Ensure that your messages consistently reflect the image that you
    want. Ensure that the customer is never confused by conflicting
11.Make it easy for customers to contact you.
12.Always deliver more than you promise!


  I There really is a new economy. It will, once the dust of stupidity
  I settles, have as much effect on business as did the invention of
  I the steam engine and it will have that effect much more quickly.
  I An example of the speed with which things happen can be taken
  I from relatively recent happenings in the USA. Following the
  I murderous attack on the World Trade Center there was a
  I short-lived, but foul series of mailings that included deadly
  I anthrax spores. Not surprisingly, people began to take less than
  I kindly to unsolicited mail. Businesses that were setup to do this
  I turned instead to e-mail marketing. The increase both in
  I communication and sales was massive and it has been sustained
  I as organizations have discovered that they have an almost cost-
  I free way to give their customers and prospects the information
  I that they desire.
  I Be ready by asking yourself the key questions today. If you are
  I already up to speed, keep asking the questions to stay ahead of
  I competition and to prosper.

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